Jasper's Climbing
Jasper offers a bit of everything. Superb alpine routes, world famous ice climbs and some quality cragging. Here's a few!

Rock Gardens
A rock garden of history for locals. Home to some classic, mind boggling limestone routes.
Close to town with a good variety of grades. Popular early in the season and a nice reprieve from any hot sun.

Boulder Gardens
Short and sweet sport routes, easily accessible top rope anchors. The perfect spot for early season climbing. Just a stroll from the Rock Gardens.

Lost Boys
Big jugs, solid roofs, and bomber quartzite. Great mix of sport and trad. What more could you want on a summer day?

Quality upper end routes towering over the Watchtower creek. Filled with sustained sport climbs.

Morrow Slab
Tucked alongside the Athabasca River, this is the home of guided groups. Set back in the bluffs is a smaller crag that offers over-bolted routes, with easier grades.

Juno Wall
High above the east highway lies Juno Wall. It boasts the longest season with an abundance of quality sport routes in the 5.10 and 11 range.

Tonquin Boulder
Tucked beside the Astoria River lies the wicked little boulder. Scattered with a variety of problems and near perfect landings, it's an ideal place to hang for a while.
The wildfires took their toll on the area, but the river and boulder live timeless.